OCEAN SPRINGS, MS – An Ocean Springs family is asking for your help. They are not seeking money, just a few moments of your time to pray.
Robbie Burgess, husband to Alderwoman Jennifer Burgess, made the desperate plea to residents this week. His cry for help came in the form of a social media post on Monday.
“Please say a prayer for Jennifer today,” he wrote, adding a praying hands emoji for emphasis. The message went on to describe a dire situation the Ward 1 representative is facing.
“We ask for GOD’s protection over her from the nasty smear campaign and deliberate targeted attacks from groups and a particular individual in this town,” Robbie wrote. “We could use all the uplifting positive thoughts you can send our way.”

While the true nature of the demons was ambiguous in Robbie’s Facebook post, a person close to the embattled family confirmed the trouble stems from a series of articles published by a local journalist.
Burgess, who is facing two challengers in the April 1st citywide elections, has been upfront about the rules for media coverage in her city. Last September, she went on record to warn journalists and reporters, “Just because you can write something, doesn’t mean you should.”
Despite those clear instructions, the Burgess family has fallen victim of their worst nightmare: media reporting things the alderwoman has actually said.
Words Meant for City Hall Only
As recently as last week, GC Wire journalist E. Brian Rose published an article that quoted Jennifer making disparaging comments about an entire community.
“The biggest heartburn I have is that Oak Glenn Marina, because it’s right on the water. It’s prime real estate, and these condos are just terrible,” Rose reported the alderman said.
“If you go into my ward, at the very back of Fort Bayou Estates, along the bayou, there’s apartments, and you go through those apartments, and there’s a marina… And it used to be really cute. They had a putting green. They had the boats. It’s a total crotch now.”
The alderwoman said that she’d like the whole area torn to the ground. “I would love to see a condo developer that would just get rid of the apartments altogether and just do condos,” she added.
There was no dispute as to whether or not Jennifer made these comments – the recording was included in the article. The problem was that Rose had the audacity to inform the residents she made the statements. He even let the public know Jennifer wanted the owners of the properties “run out of town on rails.”
For this, we pray for the Burgess family.
A Month’s Old Pain in the Neck
The problems the Burgess Family have with Rose aren’t exactly new. Last fall, he did the unthinkable.
At a September Board of Aldermen meeting, Ms. Burgess used her official platform to deliver a three minute speech. In that speech, the alderwoman detailed a phone call she had with Rose, describing him as unhinged, having to talk him off a ledge, and leaving her feeling “genuinely frightened.”
The timing of her speech was after the public comments section, so Rose did not have the opportunity to respond. Instead, he loudly asked, “Is this the hill you want to die on,” before stating that he had recorded the call.
That outburst caused Mayor Kenny Holloway to threaten to have Rose removed from the room. Any decent resident would have smiled and appreciated the work Burgess was doing.
The following day, Rose went rogue. He published a recording of the call, showing that everything Burgess claimed was completely untrue. This is just the type of thing Burgess had previously warned him against doing.
The recording also captured Ms. Burgess making false claims about other residents, telling Rose news articles need to be run by the city before publishing, and that city officials go to the same churches as residents, so no publishing any news that may be “unkind.”
The unhinged version of Rose described by Burgess was nowhere to be heard. Instead, the twenty minute conversation sounded more like a lecture from Burgess to a resident journalist who reached out to her for help with a situation. This was not meant for public ears. Only a pot stirrer would defend himself by publishing such garbage.
To make matters worse, Rose made a public records request for city related emails and text messages made that day. Shortly after making her speech, Alderman Burgess sent a text message to City Clerk Patty Gaston. She wrote to the City Clerk, “I asked for my 3 minutes so I could get him to show his true colors, and I succeeded. I’m good!”
In the same text string, Burgess also told Gaston that Rose threatened her “multiple times” at the meeting. Although a full video of the meeting is available on the city’s official Youtube page and does not show any threats being made by Rose, Burgess knows very few people will watch that replay. As she has done many times in the past, the alderwoman once again showed she can outsmart the best of them.
These text messages were never meant for public eyes. The fact that she used her official position to conjure up a false story about a resident – just to get a rise out of him – was never meant to be known by the public.
We pray for Jennifer’s future mistruths to remain private.
Jennifer’s Brave Personal Encounter
In October, the city held a public forum at the Civic Center to discuss future zoning. After the presentation, city officials made themselves available to speak with residents. Rose was there doing that journalism thing again. He was seen by multiple witnesses interviewing officials and fellow residents.
Then, Mr. Rose crossed the line.
In one of the most egregious displays of evil, Rose approached the alderwoman in the crowded arena and said, “Miss Burgess, can I ask you a couple of questions?”
For those who witnessed the altercation, it was if time stood still. Who does this guy think he is?
Words cannot describe the sheer terror Burgess must have felt. Thankfully, the exchange was caught on tape. Hit the play button below to listen to the madness:
Shortly after the incident, presumably after Burgess was able to seek medical treatment, she sent a text message to the editor of the paper Rose worked for.
”I want Eric Rosenberg NO WHERE NEAR ME PHYSICALLY,” using the full name of the writer and capital letters to show she means business. “My personal well being is more important to me, my husband and my son than any embarrassingly biased hit piece he may be working on.”
We pray for the safety of Jennifer and her family.
Attack by Email
If the agony of being properly quoted and asked questions by an out of control journalist wasn’t enough, Burgess has also had to endure a different kind of attack: emails.
Over the last year, our saintly public servant has received nearly a dozen messages by way of inbox. GC Wire staff was able to acquire some of the outlandish messages that were sent her way.
WARNING: The following contains actual, unedited versions of brutal word warfare. Readers who are pregnant, have heart problems, or still wear a facemask in public are urged to look away.
On October 16th, Rose sent an email to Burgess asking for a quote to be included in an article he was writing.
“Dear Alderwoman Burgess,” the letter belligerently began. “I am hoping to get a quote from you for an article I am writing for the Ocean Springs Weekly Record. My publishing deadline is 12:30pm.” The addition of a time demand clearly shows a lack of respect for the important work Ms. Burgess does for the community on a daily basis.
“Last night, the city replaced the existing public records request [rules] with a new version. Here are my questions: Some residents were upset that the resolution was buried in the Consent Agenda, rather than being publicly debated. What are your thoughts on this? What would you say to these people?”
Rose went on to assume his victim would actually respond: “Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.” The digital assault ended with a sarcastic sign off, “Sincerely, E. Brian Rose.”
On October 30th, another email arrived. This time, Rose was seeking highly personal information:
“Dear Ms. Burgess, I am writing an article for the local news and have a quick question. I have a publishing deadline of 10am Thursday morning. A candidate has announced he will be running for Ward 1 Alderman. Will you be seeking re-election? I look forward to your anticipated response. Sincerely, E. Brian Rose”
Later that same day, another:
“I have recently concluded an interview with Steve Tillis, who is running for Ward 1 Alderman. I would like to give you an opportunity to weigh in on some of the issues he and I discussed before going to print.” That email arrogantly went on to list the same three questions Rose asked Burgess’ opponent.
In January, Rose informed Burgess he was researching claims and allegations made by the city’s Community Development Director. The city official accused Burgess of pressuring her to unfairly grant variances to businesses and residents who were in her voting district.
“I’d like to present a balanced and accurate portrayal of events to readers, so I am reaching out for your side,” Rose wrote. “To ensure fairness and accuracy, I’d like to give you the opportunity to address the following statements.” The message went on to actually tell Burgess what was said and asked for her side of the issues.
These are just a sampling. The others were just as vile. We are happy to report, Burgess did not respond to any of them. Instead, the alderwoman waited for the articles to be published, then complained they were one sided, as any good politician would do.
We pray for Jennifer’s continued resolve.
The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back
Rose began his “reporting” on local governance in September. After publishing two or three of his reports, Ms. Burgess informed him the city advised her never to speak with him. She continued on this path by informing his boss of her wishes again the following month.
In December, Rose sent letters to the city and Burgess informing them he would be filing a lawsuit for a number of First Amendment retaliation offenses he claims were committed by officials, including Burgess. Rose clearly did not understand things like demanding he be fired from his job and telling lies about residents in public meetings are the very things voters demand from their elected officials.
But if anyone knows how to make lemonade out of lemons, it’s Ms. Burgess. She brilliantly used Rose’s notification of intent to sue as a way to disenfranchise him from her ward.
Without any warning, Rose broke from his role as journalist and contacted Burgess as a resident.
On February 24th, Burgess shared a post to social media alerting her fans she had submitted a spreadsheet of work orders to the city. Some residents asked for a copy, which she gladly obliged. But then, another attack took place: Rose, who lives in Burgess’ ward, also asked for a copy.
“I am also a Ward 1 resident and have sent you an email requesting the spreadsheet, but have not heard back from you,” the so-called constituent wrote beneath her post. “Could you please let me know when I can expect a response?”
That’s when Burgess decided enough was enough. For the first time in many months, the Ward 1 representative responded. This time, she made it clear that Rose does not have the same rights as other residents in her district.
“E Brian Rose for clarification, because you have threatened to sue me, I have been advised not to respond to you,” reiterating the same message she had given to him even long before his notice of intent to sue. “As you have been advised many times before, any and all questions from you are to go through city hall. I would respectfully request (again) that you please leave me alone.”
This final act of bravery forced Rose to ask the city for a copy of the spreadsheet through a public records request. The cherry on top: GC Wire has learned Mr. Rose still has not received the document.
We pray for Jennifer’s continued wisdom and validation on Election Day.
Okay, Let’s Get Serious…
While this essay was clearly written in a tongue and cheek manner, we couldn’t think of a better way to describe to readers just some of the absurdities coming from this elected official.
Robbie’s plea for prayers stood out to us. We live in a world of uncertainty. We are surrounded by war, homelessness, and health issues. There are many things to pray for. Praying for the media to stop telling people about your wife’s lies is not one of them.
Proverbs 12:22
“Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.”
Although not a resident, I have been following all of these stories. SMH….. Your elected officials are there to represent you and answer to you NOT tell lies. She has made Mr. Rose sound like the villain here which is NOT the case. The villain in my book is the official who lies and then has the audacity to condemn areas in their own city. I would suggest Ms. Burgess choose her words more carefully and not allow her spouse to attempt to fight her battles. Hopefully the good people of Ocean Springs will replace her in the upcoming election.
Bravo GC Wire for a well written piece, you certainly had me going!